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Colorado Hunts Available
Colorado offers a wide variety of wild game to hunt, but there are a few animals that take the cake. Colorado has some of the biggest “big game” in the country. With one of, if not the biggest Elk herd in the country, Elk is obviously one of the more popular species to hunt. Whitetail deer are overall the most hunted animal in the country, so of course they are near the top of the list. Colorado has impressive Mule Deer, Black Bear and Antelope populations as well. Predator hunts and Turkey hunts are also widely available and popular.
The Elk and Whitetail are in the same family, but the hunting methods are usually very different. While hunters tend to ambush Whitetails and Mule deer, the Elk requires more planning, gear, and time in the woods. Hunting Elk and Black bear are similar in that both species are usually located and then stalked, and this method is sometimes chosen over the ambush method when going after Mule deer. Our guides are experienced and most offer assistance with hunting these animals, as well as Turkeys and predators.
Hunting the wild Eastern Turkey involves a fair amount of pre-hunt planning. Featured guides and outfitters can assist greatly in locating a group of nesting birds the evening before the scheduled hunt. This intelligence is crucial in locating the best spot to set up the following morning. Our guides in the Colorado area are also well versed in predator hunting. One thing to remember: predator hunting and turkey hunting alike requires knowledge of the land, as well as the character and attitude of the local game population. These two aspects make it vital to hire the services of an educated guide or outfitter.
Compound bows, rifles, and muzzleloaders are commonly used to take down the large wildlife that populates the hunting reserves and backwoods.
Hunting in Colorado
Colorado is truly a hunter’s paradise. With ten large game species and some of the most breathtaking scenery in the country, arguably the world, it’s not uncommon for residents of Colorado to be former residents of other states, having realized the dream of living in such a beautiful state.

Terrain and Wildlife Habitat
Colorado offers beautiful, sky-scraping mountain scenery, as well as wide and lush plains in which to spot and stalk your game of choice. There’s an abundance of acorn producing oaks, vegetation, rivers and streams that glisten and come alive with fish and other food sources, and smaller game that provides nutrition for the predator population.
Colorado Hunting Licenses & Regulations
Any person over the age of 16 must have a hunting license as well as appropriate tags or draw information. Archery, rifle, and muzzleloader season dates differ and usually overlap. Our outfitters and guides are well equipped to assist you with this information.
- Black bear season runs from early September through the end of the month.
- Mountain Lion seasons runs from late November through the end of March, the following year.
- Deer and Elk seasons run from late August through mid November. Different weapons coincide with different specific dates.
- Turkey seasons run from:
o Early April through late March in the Spring,
o Beginning of September through late October in the Fall, and
o Mid December through mid January for late season hunts.
Colorado Hunting Tidbits
- Colorado is where the #12 biggest elk of all time was taken way back in 1899 (yes, 1899) by John Plute. This monster bull scored 442 3/8.
- Colorado is well-known for excellent mule deer hunting – and this big boy might still be on the loose. His nick-name is Goliath – and he turns up occasionally near Colorado Springs.
For more detailed information regarding season dates and rules and regulations, visit for Colorado’s Fish and Game website.
This site will also inform you of other non-hunting activities that can be enjoyed in Colorado including fishing, hiking, and various parks and nature preserves to visit.
Denver is the capital and inside of Denver is the Denver International Airport. There are several other airports of various sizes to cater to the hunter’s needs. Our guides and outfitters are more than happy to help you plan the perfect Colorado hunt and can even assist with travel and lodging questions you may have. Planning is crucial and located an ideal airport and ideal lodging will go a long way in ensuring a fun hunting adventure.